Saturday 7 November 2015


As the oppression of the PALESTINIANS by the isrealis still continues, it has just recently taken a new face, as the isreali military and police have taken over Palestinian homes in Hebron.

The Palestinians are now facing oppression not just only from the isreali soldiers, but also from the isreali has been reported that Israeli troops raided the offices of an activist group which has being  monitoring human rights violations by Israeli military forces and Jewish settlers. The isreali soldiers have taken over several Palestinian homes. These Oppresion and brutal Human rights violations seems not to be coming to an end but rather seems to be "
Just the beginning". The Palestinians have used several means to cry out to the world on what they are facing, they have often resulted in violent measures which includes stone throwing and even stabbings. While the isreali soldiers have often responded with live ammunition fire, in some necessary and sometimes totally unnecessary situations.

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